About Us

Our passion for the maritime industry has deep roots. Our founders are licensed USCG marine engineers, beginning their careers sailing as officers on research vessels, oil tankers and fiber optic cable laying ships.
Bourne Group's work will always drive us to go beyond the traditional notions—of manufacturing, of design, service, and even our own abilities—and say yes. Yes to challenges. Yes to clients. Yes to new experiences and perspectives. Yes to imagination, exploration, and critical deliberation. And always, yes to one another.
We understand that we’re doing something beyond safety services for our clients—we’re serving their most critical needs, crafting experiences, connecting people, inspiring action—saying yes to the adventure of our industry.
From surveying, designing, and fabrication to project management and dry dock installations—and from US to European itineraries and everything in between, wherever you go, Bourne Group is there.